
Teacher recruitment
I am a teacher who has witnessed many of my friends who are being employed after paying different amounts of money. Most of us who are unemployed either fail to pay or have no connection. The system is very corrupt....
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Political party campaign financing
As a concerned citizen and a taxpayer, I have noticed with dismay the money that is being poured into campaigns by Political parties; it scares me. There is very high likelihood that the Party to form the next Government may...
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Teacher recruitment scam
It was a great day and a very beautiful morning when I received a phone call from a female teacher in Central Province. "Hello bakopala (Copperbelt), your time to be in government has come". Send your papers and k2000 ($95.36)...
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Health sector recruitment
It's been a year since a certain Human Resource (HR) from a named general hospital said he would be able to help me and my friend get jobs in the health sector since he was promoted to a provincial office...
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Zambia Air Force
In 2020 when the government of Zambia announced the recruitment of Zambia Air Force (ZAF) officers. One officer at ZAF in Central Province told me to pay K7000 ($335.40) in order to be selected. I worked hard to find that...
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I tried to get a job in government
I was told to pay K6000 ($286.28) towards helping me get a job in government. I had money but I managed to source a k4500 ($215.37) and asked if I can pay balance after the deal goes through. That was...
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