
Good morning. I have a friend who works for a petroleum company, at one of their filling stations, we are told the senior HR is very corrupt he charges k2000 ($88.23) for a job as a fuel attendant. He fires...
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I am supposed to be a FISP beneficiary as my name appears in the system through the E Voucher. I only benefited once on E voucher. I don't know where my fertilizer goes and the Avroc office is mute. NORTHERN...
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A certain man got the money for rentals from the tenants who were renting in our House he got the money through cheating. Now after notice that the money went in that way, the issue was reported to the police...
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I applied to study a degree in medicine and I was told that if I wanted an acceptance letter, I should pay K5000 ($220.91). So I am being denied a future of being a doctor and save many lives because...
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I have stayed at my new house for 8 months without electricity connection even though I paid Zesco for the connection. They always give me excuses saying that they do not have the resources. To my surprise, my neighbour applied...
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My mother died 2 years ago. She had been suffering from heart failure. We had been instructed to pay something extra to speed up the tests to deliberate on the causes of disease. I paid for the tests out of...
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