There was a certain drilling company i was working with in North Western province part of Zambia and that’s where I experienced corruption, our HR Manager was so corrupt such that she just can’t help you with anything without giving her something in form of money, that was the worst days of my life I went through hell, even now she can’t just employ her fellow Zambians without asking them for money, I was voiceless because I had fear of losing my job because of desperation.

 Now that you have brought this platform where every Zambian citizen is able to express him/herself, I am pretty sure actions will be taken because people are losing their jobs not only because they have done wrong to the company, but they don’t give money to their corrupted HR  Managers ba ACC ala twafweni pantu ubu ubulwele bwakulisha ukucila covid-19, how about people who don’t have money to buy jobs ninshi tabakabombepo?

North Western Province

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